There is a daily fee for telephone service in your room. Please dial (516) 562-2225 to turn your telephone service on. You will be assigned a direct-dial phone number. Please give your family and friends the number. You may not receive calls after 10:45 p.m. or before 7:30 a.m. Please remember to disconnect telephone services upon discharge. There is no charge if your telephone is not activated. You still can receive incoming calls. Use of cellphones is permitted.
Local calls are included in the daily telephone charge. Calls to anywhere in Nassau County, the five boroughs of New York City and Suffolk County are considered local calls. In Nassau County, dial 9 plus the number. In the rest of the local area, dial 9 then 1, plus the area code and number.
To call outside the local calling area or long distance, dial 9 + 1-800 + COLLECT (9-1-800-265-5328). Note: these calls can be made collect, with a credit/calling card or billed to another number.
If you are dialing from within the hospital and the exchange is 562, you only need to dial to the last four digits.
Main Number/General Information
Billing Information
Case Management/Social Work
Chaplaincy Care
Gift Shop
Home Care
Inpatient Accounts
Medical Records
Nutrition and Dining Service
Parking Garage
Patient Information/Lobby
Patient- & Family-Centered Care
Surgical Waiting Room
Telephone & TV Rental
Vivo Health Pharmacy
Calling from inside the hospital? Dial the last four digits only.
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